I’m a scientist. I’m staying behind in the Florida Keys to help save lives.


It’s been a long few days here in the Florida Keys.

My wife and I started preparing for Irma’s arrival around Labor Day. Usually, that’s a big tourist weekend around here — so there was already a shortage of gas at some service stations. So, when we went to get gas, we were only able to obtain the high-priced stuff. And that was just the beginning. Using FEMA’s emergency supply kit list, we bought at least 14 gallons of water and enough food for two weeks. I’m set to eat Chef Boyardee for a long while if need be, and I hope that I am able to do that over an extended period of time, instead of eating it all during the aftermath of Hurricane Irma.

Sadly, that’s the best-case scenario.

I’ve lived in the Keys for 16 years, and I’ve never seen…

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