Toxic affects of emotional neglect, parental self absorption and narcissism.

Emerging From The Dark Night

Here is a list of unconscious behaviors and traits we develop in the situation of chronic emotional neglect or if we were raised by self absorbed or narcissistic parents :

Developing self destructive defence mechanisms which inclued, displacement, repression of feeling and effects, denial of affect, withdrawal and isolation, projection and addictions (destructive self soothing defences.)

Acting against the self due to the fact you have absorbed negative perceptions of yourself and taken them into your self which manifests in :

  • self blame,
  • despair (pereceiving you are inauthetic or flawed, unable to help yourself),
  • hopelessness (aligned to despair but more to do with the feeling you cannot improve things or help yourself),
  • helplessness (not knowing what to do or say, not being able to act to assert in the face of injustice, or prevent abusive acts against the self, repeating similar mistakes),
  • Devaluing the self
  • Overvaluing the self (as a…

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