Category Archives: THE PAIN OF A FAMILY

The Hollywood scandals: should we convict someone on hearsay alone?

Why Evolution Is True

The increasing number of accusations of sexual harassment or assault by famous actors and producers in Hollywood—the latest is Kevin Spacey—carries two lessons: the practice is far more prevalent than many believed (and I’m one of those who had no idea), and if a powerful man does it once, they’ve probably done it before (viz., Bill Cosby). I was going to write about Kevin Spacey this morning, and in particular Brendan O’Neill’s defense of him in Spiked, “Kevin Spacey is innocent” (what he means is that Spacey’s “not guilty beyond a reasonable doubt”, since Spacey was accused of fondling an underaged boy, but it was 30 years ago and Spacey doesn’t remember it)—but then I woke up this morning to read that Spacey has been accused by at least eight more people of inappropriate behavior on his “House of Cards” television show:

All of those involved described…

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Massachusetts: Criminal Justice Corruption

Stately McDaniel Manor

Trooper Sceviour

I’m glad for the occasional opportunity to explain the realities of police work and the law. Unfortunately, such opportunities often arise because of gross violations of proper police procedure and the law. This is a case in point from Fox News:

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60 Minuets Australia Exposes Pedophile Ring Involving “Highest Office Holders in the Land”

Deplorable Kel

In July 2015 60 minuets Australia aired an episode called “Spies, Lords & Predators.” During this episode a pedophile ring involving the “highest office holders in the land” was exposed. The reporter spoke to 3 past victims, who spoke in detail about what they went through. Of course, this was not aired in the United States and has rarely been talked about.

In the beginning of the show, the reporter says:

“Without question the biggest political scandal Britain has ever faced will be exposed tonight. It involves a secret network of the highest office holders in the land. Past and current members of parliament, Cabinet Ministers, Judges, Diplomats, even one of the country’s top Spies. These men are accused of some of the most sadistic child sexual abuse imaginable on hundreds of victims some as young as 8. More confronting still are claims that children were killed in order to…

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Texas Church Massacre: A Time to Mourn, A Time to Weep


Nick Wagner/Austin American-Statesman via AP
Mona Rodriguez holds her 12-year-old son, J Anthony Hernandez, during a candlelight vigil held for the victims of a fatal shooting at the First Baptist Church of Sutherland Springs, Sunday, Nov. 5, 2017, in Sutherland Springs, Texas.

In Ecclesiastes, it is written that there is “a time to weep, and a time to laugh; a time to mourn, and a time to dance” (Eccl. 3:4). Now is a time to mourn, a time to weep. Now is a time to grieve with those who grieve and hurt with those who hurt. And now is a time to turn to the Lord and ask Him to have mercy on our nation and heal our land.

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I’m a scientist. I’m staying behind in the Florida Keys to help save lives.


It’s been a long few days here in the Florida Keys.

My wife and I started preparing for Irma’s arrival around Labor Day. Usually, that’s a big tourist weekend around here — so there was already a shortage of gas at some service stations. So, when we went to get gas, we were only able to obtain the high-priced stuff. And that was just the beginning. Using FEMA’s emergency supply kit list, we bought at least 14 gallons of water and enough food for two weeks. I’m set to eat Chef Boyardee for a long while if need be, and I hope that I am able to do that over an extended period of time, instead of eating it all during the aftermath of Hurricane Irma.

Sadly, that’s the best-case scenario.

I’ve lived in the Keys for 16 years, and I’ve never seen…

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Like a Good Samaritan


Watching the news about hurricane Harvey destroy the city of Houston and other surrounding cities is heartbreaking. But it’s also heartwarming to see civilians and volunteers go out of their way to help their fellow man. Some carried the elderly; some assisted getting people out of their flooded vehicles; and others gave what they could. I know many companies and organisations are donating money and/or food items and supplies to help those who were removed from their homes. People giving to total strangers. That’s good.

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Jesus Christ told a parable about the Good Samaritan. Rather than I describe it, just read it for yourself.

Luke 10:25-37

25 A teacher of the Law came up and tried to trap Jesus. “Teacher,” he asked, “what must I do to receive eternal life?”

26 Jesus answered him, “What do the Scriptures say? How do you interpret them?”

27 The man answered, “‘Love the…

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Close up hand of elderly patient with intravenous catheter for injection plug in hand during lying in the hospital bedI really wish I­­­ were a much smarter person. I would make it my goal to try to figure out how people—all people—can somehow transition their brains to work together in a positive, supportive mode…and that negative, disruptive, combative behavior would disappear altogether.   Okay, it’s a given, we all exhibit both sides of this scale and I am just as guilty as you.  But there needs to be no in-between mode, no gray area. Yeah, I know, good luck with that.

My brain, along with my body, has just returned home to a semi-state of normalcy after another week confined to a hospital bed. These hospital visits seem to be getting more routine as the aging process inches its way into my welcoming body.   My late brother went through the same scenario to the extent that the calls notifying us each time he was back in the hospital…

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The Worst of Times, The Best of People

My Five Fs

Today, I want to share some thoughts in light of one of the most devastating storms to hit our country, Hurricane Harvey, because even though my area was not affected, it directly impacted many family members and friends of mine, including my best friend and her family and my dear cousins and their families that are scattered across the Houston and Beaumont areas.

The storm has brought the worst of times, but it has also brought out the very best in people, and I thank you for reading today, as I bear a bit of my heart.

It’s been a terrible roller coaster of emotions over the past two weeks, and now Hurricane Irma is posed to possibly do even more devastation to our beloved nation.

I teared up or cried more than once for my own loved ones and others devastated by the storm…

…in fear for the safety…

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